Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Have you ever asked yourself “Why am I here?”

I think it’s a question that surfaces in each of us at some point in our life.  I call it the search for significance.  We hope that when we leave this earth, we will have made a difference.

Life shouldn’t be just about making more money, buying a bigger home or having a selection of cars in the garage. It may include those things, but it must be more. 

First, we must recognize our strengths, based on our God-given gifts and talents.  Then we must choose to utilize those strengths by developing a servant attitude whereby we can help others improve their lot. Until we begin to utilize our gifts in that manner, we typically feel empty, restless and uncertain of our true calling and purpose. 

Beyond our family and friends, we have the greatest opportunity to influence others at our place of work… guests/customers, fellow associates, subordinates, bosses, peers, vendors, owners, competitors and the like. The ultimate reward is the opportunity to make a meaningful, significant and positive difference in their lives.

Once we embrace our gifts and talents and find a workplace where we can exercise them in a manner which lifts others, we are made whole. Only then do we discover the real reason why we are here.


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Welcome to Fred Cerrone's Blog

Welcome to “Stuff Worth Sharing”! It is our hope that this blog will help you to know more about our Founder & Chairman, Fred Cerrone, as well as gain some insight into his vision and dreams for Hotel Equities. We welcome your feedback as well as any topics that you would like Fred to cover. Thanks for all you do to help make Hotel Equities a success!

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